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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Why we don't give a crap

Hmm.. I just thought this was interesting.

esp. the monkey brain part. Sad, but true eh?

Her- cules


Anonymous said...

WELL that was light reading, but I think it comes down to stupidity - we FORGET that something is happening because we're not physically in Zimbabwe suffering from cholera or in South Africa dying from AIDS.

But once we see it, I mean really see it - it actually has to affect us personally in some way - things change.

Anonymous said...

i think it's also the fact that this mentality we have of forgetting about existing phenomena relatively quickly is because of our culture involving "instant gratification" - the fact that we have gotten used to having elements such as extreme poverty, hunger and homelessness in societies which are relatively removed from our contact eventuates that people view the distance from & scale of the issue as being to problematic to tackle, which is in fact, often the case.

anyone remember Mrs Kerr's story of the time they tried to collect donations to send off to a school in Africa? only after collecting all the items did they realise that they could not send them - the person that ran the school said that the only way to get them there was to take them on board as luggage, as otherwise, in the mail customs officers would take the items away which were "suspicious" to sell off for personal profit & other people would try to steal them as well.