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Sunday, April 19, 2009


Quite recently MIT graduate, David Merrill, came up with the idea of "siftables", which are basically computerised blocks that are able to interact and communicate with each other. Unlike normal computer systems common to the household today, siftables aim to encourage a more physical interaction with the user that allow for applications to be easier to use and more relevant to the user with its tangibleness and subsequent mobility functions.

For more info, check this video out:

~Louis Tiffon

2 comments: said...

i read this post about five times, and actually tried to apply some brain matter - but I really don't understand.

Her-cules said...

that's soo cool =D haha I want to play with them
love the children's story one and the music! and the boggle/scrabble!
boy hope they come out to the shops soon =P but they'll be nice and pricey no doubt