It was the 'official' poster for New Moon, the sequel to Twilight. Too bad it's not the real one.... I saw this up on Perez Hilton earlier this year and stared at it for an undisclosed amount of time.
Anyway, maybe I've been slow on the uptake, but I only discovered a few days ago that THIS is the real, official, bona fide poster for New Moon...
Well here are my 2 cents:
R-PATTZ - gotta love the foregrounding. Marketing obviously knows what's bringing in those teenage girls, so bonus points for putting him right in the midst of our line of sight. As usual, he looks like the strangely attractive combination of pale but brutal and fierce... But I think he shouldn't be slouching. Standing up tall and alert would have been better? Also - his sleeves are too short. There's something unnerving about rolled sleeves, like he's about to wash his hands or get into a punch up with TeePee...
TEE-PEE - this is my new nickname for Taylor Lautner (ie. Jacob). Firstly, THANK YOU HAIR AND MAKE UP for removing that ghastly and heinous wig. It was not doing his face any justice. If you haven't seen the video of TeePee and his muscular biceps and ABS (OH MY), you MUST check it out!!! Just remember not to gape at the computer screen for too long... He's put on about 769kg of muscle to play the role of the werewolf, Jacob and it also looks like they've photoshopped him to be taller, or else he's grown. Anyways, like him in the poster, no qualms. He looks SO mad and protective though (note the fist), but I think it's appropriate given the storyline.
KRISTEN? - note the question mark, because I'm not quite sure that it is actually Kristen Stewart in the photo. I think the special effects department got a bit excited or else just didn't like her facial features. But seriously, WHO is this girl? She's been so photoshopped, she doesn't even vaguely resemble someone who vaguely resembles her original self! She's morphed into a different person!! Her face!!! WHAT HAPPENED?! She's not some octogenarian who NEEDS this sort of stuff... She's probably 20! Or 19! Wait at least 10 years before she needs virtual cheek implants and a facelift!
Anyways, 10/10 for effort as always but I'd give it a 6.835/10 for execution. Only because I would have liked a bit of touchy touchy between Bella and E-dawg, not just her and Jacob (after all, it's what the movie is about) and perhaps a cameo by the REAL Kristen Stewart, and NO guest appearances from ADOBE PHOTOSHOP!!
~ Hurley Who?
i don't know if ed *haha* is slouching or trying to back his shoulder off Jacob's, but I think that tension between them is there.
But Kristen's face is way overdone - it could be the make-up (or lack of in the first movie, though natural is good) but I think they played with the burn tool to much.
lol burn tool. i thought film marketers used something a little more pro than adobe? like adobe-on-steriods?
i'm about to fall off my chair...
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