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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

looks can kill (your self-respect and all other kinds of street cred)

Some people are attracted to money. In my hood we like to call them gold diggers. Some people are attracted to fame. We call them WAGs or the cast of Jersey Shore.

A great many of us are attracted to beauty, good looks, aesthetics, handsomeness, golden ratios, hotness, spankability, etc. Whilst the decidedly unattractive amongst us will like to call this shallow, the rest of us will agree with using the Litmus test of good looks to help us navigate our way through the seas of the unwashed to find that suitable somebody.

Unfortunately for me, somewhere along the line my taste 'went awry'. Basically this is just an attempt to suss out why these particular men, who more reasonably than not fall under the category of "Definitely not attractive in any majoritarian sense", are so very attractive (to me).

Pete Campbell (Vincent Kartheiser)

Forget Jon 'smoked' Hamm. Sure our Pete is a massive dickhead in Mad Men but in failing to come up with any justification for his peculiar disagreeableness on the show, I will argue instead that one's ability to be a dickhead is surely mutually exclusive with one's ability to be inexplicably attractive.

Michael Sheen

Micheal Sheen
No-one will know exactly how long it took me to find a relatively flattering pic. Again, proving my point - why so attractive yo? This man is renowned for playing TONY FRICKING BLAIR. He is quite the charming though, if one would deign to reference Youtube as a credible source. Also to be fair, he was once married to Kate Beckinsale and managed to have a daughter with her (well done!) so Mr Sheen must have done something right.

Yes that's right, go laugh or perhaps recoil in horror.



c.l. said...

i did snicker (at Martin Sheen, only cos i associate him with Tony Blair, ewwers) but otherwise am generally sympathetic; its not easy to publicly confess to these things when no one else understands..!
another one to add to the list: julian assange [he has an awful voice and white hair but i find him inexplicably attractive).

cake.crusader said...

Umm, I know I'm leaning into tween territory but R.Patz??? He gives me the heebie jeebies he's so gross!

d.r said...

it's MICHAEL sheen. martin sheen was in west wing. my taste doesn't stretch that far unforts, cl.
And i lol'ed so very hard at the suggestion of julian assange! he reminds me of the guy from the simpsons (not smithers, but the one who always calls smithers smithers, if that makes sense)
c.c i used to see the appeal of rpatz but i agree that one can only go for so long looking dirty and shower-bereft etc.

i also need to add tony jones and frankie boyle to the list.

hurley? said...

it's definitely a 'personality' thing amiright? you love these dudes for who they are, or at least who they purport to be in the public light. but there is nothing wrong with finding not so attractive people attractive - it gives hope to all those out there who fell from the ugly tree and hit every branch along the way. (oooh. i felt harsh for that comment. but no self-censorship)