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Thursday, August 14, 2008


I'm sure everyone knows just how fantastic and kooky Japanese stuff can be but when they said 'necessity is the mother of invention' I'm thinking some Japanese people took that very very seriously...

Chindōgu, aka. 'useless inventions' is just another concept borne from this great country. This term was coined by Kenji Kawakami, a Japanese inventor, who published the book "101 Unuseless Japanese Inventions: The Art of Chindōgu" and his second book, "99 More Unuseless Japanese Inventions". (note it isn't useless, it's unuseless!)
Why is it unuseless? Well, according to Wikipedia: "Chindōgu cannot be regarded as 'useless' in an absolute sense, since they do actually solve a problem; however, in practical terms, they cannot positively be called 'useful'."
The one big thing about Chindōgu is that whoever attempts to use it may experience such difficulty or social embarrassment that it has really no use anyway. Kind of defeats the purpose when you look at it like that, huh?
Kawakami, as the big daddy of Chindōgu, laid down a few rules about inventing something 'unuseless'.
a. It must be possible to make (in spite of its absurdity)
b. It must be borne from necessity
c. It cannot be patented - the love should be shared

So, enjoy!

Apparently the one Chindōgu in the middle is a sign for sleepy commuters - the banner says at which station the person is supposed to get off so other commuters can wake her up when it's her stop. Hmmm... stylish AND practical?

Actually on second thoughts, I think would use that drink-holder despite committing social suicide in the process... what about you?!

- Hurley who?


Anonymous said...

where does hurley who find these weird things.

anonymous is perplexed.

Kate said...

I love the shoe-brellas. Ingenious!

For more on Japanese inventions that will rock your world (or just make you raise your eyebrows...), have a look at:

Anonymous said...

i want those umbrellas on her shoes :P
is this FLARER posting?