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Saturday, September 26, 2009

USB styling...or lack of.

I know Her cules has a lego USB, courtesy of a kind family member, that looks very similar to the one below.

I have also seen a friend which has one of the penguin USBs:

For some pretty weird ones check out; if you cbb, here are some other ones:

~Louis Tiffon


C.L. said...

oh wow that last one - so practical..

and the sushi ones make me hungry, but it doesn't take alot to provoke stomach rumbles these days..

hurley said...

haha i want a handbag one... stylish AND practical! ding ding

hurley said...

haha i want a handbag one... stylish AND practical! ding ding

cake.crusader said...

nice. prize goes to the bowling ball. haha
i want to eat the crumbed fish one! yummo!
the empty/full one - does it blow up when its full? or is that just my thinking technology is actually cool when its not?