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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Global Crisis

The days that will forever be written down in history are upon us.

It's interesting isn't it. 16/17 years most of us have been around (sorry hurley who =P) and all of our years we have only been through growth.

But what is happening now? who remembers the good ol' days when a stock market index moving 1% would stir up everything. And today? The RBA was supposed to be leading the world in its decision to drop rates. But no. Our dollar dropped to 64c today and our index 5%. And lets not even start on the rest of the world. It seems we are still doing surprisingly well in the global economy. Can any of you tell what's coming? Becuase I sure can't.

Except for one probable thing. Another depression.

Anyone else feeling the stress?

Her cules


Anonymous said...

mmm... 16 years of consecutive economic growth. what does that mean for our future?

plus, how is gen x/y going to deal with it? it's our futures at stake but we've never experienced something quite like this before.

we're getting bear stearned!

Anonymous said...

apparently, if you watched 7:30 report, the forecast is "bad", and the best way to weather the storm is to get out of debt...which is easier said than done!

Anonymous said...

i'm sure gen x/y will get out of it eventually. it just depends how far and how long it will take =P

you can see the cycles of economic growth- around 30 years or so. as each generation comes along they're so confident, but nothing bad's ever happened in their lifetime before =P

until... =P

at least the cycles are getting longer now. you can see we're kind of learning. oh except that each recessions getting deeper. whoops! =P no ones perfect eh?

Anonymous said...

haha im still laughing when reports say "economists have predicted an ALMOST CERTAIN recession"