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Sunday, January 4, 2009

extreme unction!

All I can say is that Bill Bailey (you may have seen him from Never Mind The Buzzcocks or Black Books, he is the half-balding man resembling some sort of forest rodent) is quite hilarious. Here are the lyrics from his "Love Song":

"I was alone, my heart was cold, it was a stone, my soul was lonely like a stone there was no moss! And when I danced, I danced alone but then I did not dance because I was alone. So I did not dance. I shuffled through life invisible to all the happy couples who would mock me with their merry laughter ha ha ha. The only sound I heard in my lonely silent world was the rusty hammer of my heart, nailing at the hatred in my soul!

But then you came. And my life was turned upside down. You showed me the beauty of the things that I had never seen like a, snowflake that melts on the eyelash of a startled deer. Or the painting of the dog that wears a deersoaker and smokes a pipe that made you laugh so hartily, but which I had previously thought was rubbish. Or the duck thats so clumsily on a frozen pond in winter but the intoxicating power of our love transforms this simple act into an anthropomorphic drama. Where Mr Duck's embarrased and the other ducks are laughing.

AND THEN YOU LEFT! I have died a thousand deaths and will die a thousand more! I thought you were an angel, you turned out to be a whore! Everything has turned to dust, everything is infected with a plague when you had to sleep with Craig. "Oooo he's so sensitive, he's got a tattoo" Yea, carving your name with a compass in my forehead was not enough for you!

The snowflake on the eye of the deer, has turned to puss that oozes from an open wound. The deer now blinded stumbles into a ravine. The duck lies shredded in a pancake. Soaking in the hoisin of your lies. The dog has moved from the pipe to 60 cigarrettes a day, And coughs away his life in the cold neon research lab, of your betrayal Of your betrayal! "

Go search it on youtube because I cannot be bothered to find it. Also another comedian - Omid Djalili - who puts his Iranian ethnicity to hilarious effects. Go look him up too.

Comment of the day: An over-zealous Twilight die-hard comments on a neutral review of the film: she writes something like "OMG twilight is like my FAVOURITE movie ever and I haven't even seen it!!!!!!!!!"

Oh, and today I was looking something up in the dictionary and stumbled across the entry for "anointing of the sick" and down the bottom it said: "previously called extreme unction". Take what you will from it.



Disco Read et Count Lucifer, associates of Hurley who?, Louis Tiffon, Whitebread, Her cules, Wolfmother, Cake Crusader & no name said...

ok this is extremely unrelated to extreme unction (unless there's a book that someone's read about it) but blogspot won't allow me to post a bulletin on our sign-in homepage, so I'm abusing the comment facility to let all the contributers to this blog know that I've added the 'shelfari' application to our blog, which is a pretty neat gadget that displays the books people have read/are reading.

Use the normal eightstreetlaundry email/password to sign in to the Shelfari site if you want to add something to it, so that its not just limited to my bad taste in books.
*end of public announcement*

Count L