So Eight-Sters... We all know that some time this post was going to pop up, and I'd like to take the pleasure of starting it myself, then offering this canvas to another who wishes to paint on their interpretation of the (teenage) world's most interesting fleeting past-time... for the moment: watching a swoony R-Pattz on the big screen.
Yes, this is a post about Twilight. Well, at least he seems excited.

Having been shockingly delayed in my oogling of R-Pattz, I watched said movie yesterday (29th December). I entered with, let's face it, low expectations. I came out not quite satisfied (he only showed a strip of his bare chest!) but not so disappointed.
I could ramble on for hours, and then go into one of Disco Read's crazy rants about philosophical takes on Edward Cullen's biceps but I'd thought a reader's digest version would be better (especially if you're reading this on New Year's Day very tired).

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly:
It was indeed very exciting (as an avid Twilight and R-Pattz fan myself) to see the translation from text to film. I thought that the post-editing effects were ok, (but not ohmygoshfrickinfabulous) and that Bella was very very VERY pasty (even more so than vampy boy).
The baseball scene was good (good music), as was what I shall deem Ray Ban's scene... you know what I'm talking about!

The sweeping shots of the beautiful pine trees in the forests were nice.

And for a little Asian representation, I thought that Justin Chon (aka. Eric) was HILARIOUS! Definately didn't see his comedic streak through Meyer's books.
Charlie Swan, Bella's dad, was surprisingly funny with all his pepper spray talk.
The whole 'mood' of the film. It was a bit deadpan to me - not helped by Kristen Stewart (aka. Bella) who could not crack a meaningful smile for the whole movie. Her acting was a bit lifeless to me.
Scene in the restaurant. SNOOZE! It should have been good, but I was focusing on eating popcorn the whole time.
Rosalie. Could Nikki Reed take an acting class? Or at least look the least bit invested in her role in anything.
Alice. Not chirpy enough, looked a bit aloof. Hope she gets better in the next film.
Edward's 'sparkle'. Any kid with a SFX program could have done that on his laptop.
Soundtrack, except for the Baseball scene, especially the song for the ending credits. What the?!
Jacob... oh JACOB! There was so much POTENTIAL! But no, there had to be that wig. That wig! I was gunning for you in Eclipse! Not anymore, it seems. The actor who plays Jacob, Taylor Lautner, is rumoured to be cut out of New Moon because producers don't think he's manly enough. I say, lose the wig before you do anything.
James. Ok so he's the bad guy, but Cam Gigandet is HOT HOT HOT! He played Volchuk in The O.C and in this movie he's a pasty freak with long hair.
(what could have been... point proven)

So what overall? IMDB gives Twilight 6.0/10. I'd say it ranges between 6.5 and 7/10. It wasn't THAT bad, and there are mixed reviews, but you've definately seen (and hoped for) better.
~ Hurley Who?
PS. Took me so long to find a picture of Edward with Ray Bans... APPRECIATE!