Hello everyone!
Being dormant for the past week or so, (blame that on exams) I have finally burrowed out of a mass of paper, books and pens. Sorry if I sound a little erratic but I have two totally unrelated things I want to mention. (this is going to be a funny post)
Firstly - the dissolution of the NSW Government.
One thing - who saw that coming? I certainly didn't. I knew SS Iemma was a sinking ship from the start, but I didn't think it would go down better than the Titanic.
Nathan Rees looks too eager beaver in my opinion. Too fresh-faced. I'm not sure he's got experience and ability to turn NSW around. There are so many issues facing him - budget deficit, hospitals, transport, electricity... The list goes on. Can he save our flailing public system?

What are your thoughts? Maybe I'm just a cynic?
Secondly - The Sartorialist
Okay so Louis Tiffon has set a pretty high standard on this blog when it comes to fashion and beauty. I'm not going to match that, but I have been wanting to mention another (very famous) blogger and he so happens to blog about fashion.
Check out The Sartorialist. It's by fashion photographer Scott Schuman. He takes photos of well-dressed people across the world (Milan, anyone?) and posts them. It's great to see some real people in great outfits. (also good for inspiration)
I love the photos of the men's clothing more than the women - it's not everyday you see very-put-together outfits on men. My point:

Love his pants.

Only Asians pull off shorts like that. Also check out his fierce Louis Vuitton organiser. (tribute to Louis Tiffon)
Like his hair, it's such a contrast to the rest of this outfit.
The Sartorialist called this "the last looks of Summer"
If only Sydney-siders were as stylish...
- Hurley Who?
haha did you intentionally write "flailing public system"? rofl. the guy with red pants kind of reminds me of fonzworth bentley.
i like the guy next to the guy with the man-jewellery.
thank you for scaring me with men's fashion.
lol hurley who you've definitely nailed it :D
I absolutely love <3 the Sartorialist & that LV dude :) *although he could do with a little more sense...
+ yes, our NSW govt. seems shonkier than ever
Man-jewellery? 70% nay, but props for guts. Aaaah, NSW!!! *collapses*
isn't flailing a word?
or am i living in an alternate universe? My perspective on life has changed.
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