Which way do you see the woman turning?
I see it clockwise- and it's so frustrating that I can barely see it the other way (I did a few times *phew*, but not for long)
Apparently if you see it clockwise the right side of your brain is more dominant and vice versa. But how can that be?! I mean, I'm sure I have one of the most left dominated brains possible. My right side could even be somewhat defected =P
See the link for more info:
Have fun trying to see it both ways =P It took me a long time.
Her cules
omg. first it was clockwise, then i scrolled down to read and when i scrolled up it was going the other way..
am i evenly balanced? XD
lol i saw it go clockwise...read what you said, and now i can view it both ways :D
what does that mean?
i simply cannot cannot CANNOT see it go anti-clockwise...waaaaaaaaaahhhhh i feel like a freak
i see it anti-clockwise yay im different. d.read dont try too hard to see it the other way or it wont work :p
d.read: ME TOO
maybe we're the anomalies...
anticlockwise pour moi aussi
when you look at the shadow, i SWEAR it only goes one way - anticlockwise
because you are all so interested, i take that back, i glimpsed for about 5 seconds how you right-siders work
maybe your name should just be name less after all, nameless...and no, i still can't see it going anti although i had this funky theory where since the left brain controls the right hand side of your body, maybe if i scrolled down or did something with my right hand i'd start seeing it go the other way, but so far this has not produced any favourable results :(
First it was clockwise, then it went anti-clockwise ... now it wont turn back ?!? I think I may be just wierd.
i can see it both ways..
DAMMIT. i can only see it clockwise! what the!
oohh i see how to make it go the other way... when she's facing you and her legs cross over just try imagine the leg going around the opposite way you originally saw it... man i am so smart
I see it anti clockwise!
is the left brain the maths one or the creative one?!
i stared at it for ages hahah and i just can't see it clockwise!
lol, this is what you do when you have too much work and don't know where to begin. :P
i cannot see it anticlockwise! im joining the anomaly group with cl and dr.
for those of you who have witnessed my futile attempts - don't scorn! i will rise above!
i can only see clockwise :(
OMG! i was totally anticlockwise and i read the article and was like yeah! im totally anticlockwise
and then i looked at it again and it was going clockwise!!!
and then i read the clockwise section and was like no way and then the STUPID WOMAN STARTED SPINNING ANTICLOCKWISE
is this a sign?
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