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Saturday, January 31, 2009

skinny skin skin skins

oh yeah.

brand spanking new skins 3 is back with a shiny photogenic new cast and more of that casual violence, casual alcohol consumption, casual sex, casual profanity, casual adult belittlement and general humiliation of the adult world, casual glue abuse, casual nudity, casual truancy, casual arseny, casual toilet humour and other casual yet destructive teenage activities.

Sounds like fun.



Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Day After The Day After The Day After

Over zealous supporter
It may be 72 hours late, but a follow up on the 'Inauguration post' is needed!

Coffee cups in Washington D.C after the Inauguration

For those of you keen beans who watched it on Channel Nine, I'm sure you saw the 2 million PLUS crowd that gathered to see Obama. You probably also saw him stumble with his 35 word oath. "I, Barack Obama do sole- I, BARACK OBA- oops!" NO MATTER! He took it again! Better safe than sorry, eh? Motto of the White House!

Anyways, Louis Tiffon had her doubts (or, more like her father did). But only a few days after becoming POTUS Obama has given an executive order to close Guantanamo Bay (within 12 months!) and told the CIA to stop torture of terror suspects, yo, 'cause it sucks (in those words precisely).
Yea, Obama! Sign it!
With Bush, it was one step forward, two steps back. With Obama WHO KNOWS? One leap forward, no looking back! (Except in times of quiet contemplation and when in need of feedback)

~ Hurley Who?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Yes We Can!

You would probably have to live under a rock - literally - to not know what the 20th January 2009 brings for the US and the rest of the free world.

Barack Hussein Obama II: some say he couldn't have had a less electable name... guess he proved them wrong. And tomorrow, he is going to be sworn in as the 44th President of the United States of America (POTUS for short).

Whether it's his suave and savvy political speeches that grab you or simply his undoubtedly amazing rise to Presidency after being just a junior Senator in Illinois - he's got the world in a fervour.

He is reported to have sold over 3 times as much crazy, kooky memorabilia than the previous record-holder, Bill Clinton. The picture above is part of 10 000 collecters edition posters which sell for US$100 each and signed copies go for US$500.
No doubt everyone wants a little piece of Obama, so this post wouldn't be complete without a few tokens of Obama-memorabilia itself.

Perhaps a bit belated, but the truth of it speaks out all the same:

(it says 'Let issues be the issue')

To unity, freedom and hope,

~Hurley Who?

PS. On a totally unrelated issue, George W. Bush's IQ is reported to be 125. Apparently 95% of the world's population has an IQ of under 124.67. Below 80 is basically dumb, 100 is average, 140 and above is Stephen Hawking-Einstein freakin genius. So Bush's 125 indicates he has 'superior intelligence'. What a load... I'll never trust those IQ scams ever again!

PPS. Apparently Stephen Hawking isn't genius. He has is own level of IQ-dom. I Googled his IQ and some said 280 (what?!) and others 220 (hmm...). WOW! Einstein had an IQ of 161. Looks lame in comparison.

PPPS. This IQ thing is really addictive. Hitler - 141, Andy Warhol - 86, The Govinator - 135, Bill Gates - 160, Hilary Clinton - 140, Da Vinci - 220, Madonna - 140, Nicole Kidman - 132, Sharon Stone - 154 (WHAT?), Mozart - 165. I can keep going.... I wonder what Obama's IQ is?

PPPPS. Just Googled it. They say it's in the range of 130-148.

But these are all just estimates.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

more of lykke li

at least i know disco read will appreciate this

[no name]

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

what i love

You know what? I love good music. And these days, tis a bit hard to find good indie music. Perhaps I've just been reading or reallyawfulmusic.blogspot or or something (note i doubt any of those are real sites but you may try if you want, and no offence to cows i'm sure they make great music in their own right) but a few days ago I realised why it was the case - the case being why I can't seem to find proper good indie music. It is because indie music is generally quite bad, thus why it is indie (independent in the original sense of the word, i.e unsigned and label-less NOT weird fringe cuts + a Kook) although that is not to say that all indie is bad. Some is/are? (help! grammar crisis) quite good. This is very vague.

Moving on, I am addicted to these:

Adele - Melt My Heart To Stone

Lykke Li - Little Bit (CSS remix)

Enjoy the summer, cos it ain't gonna last forever kiddies.

love [disco]

Friday, January 9, 2009

a curious social experiment

It’d be interesting to know how many people do not qualify for the following survey that I received from “Bored of Studies” on behalf of McNair Ingenuity Research.

The aim of the survey was to ‘obtain teenage views on a range of issues’ yet, paradoxically that statement was followed by a disclaimer ‘Some people may not qualify to complete the survey. If this is the case you will be informed within 1 minute of starting the survey.’

So click the link, see how far you get and read the rest of the post afterwards.*McNairIngenuity**2

No judgement will be passed on anyone who did get to the end, that’s not what I take issue with. It’s the fact that the first question “Have you drunk alcohol in the past week?” – the supposed qualification question to which if you answer No, then well, you can’t contribute anything of use so skedaddle, really skews the whole survey and reminds me of so many newspaper articles/polls that give us shocking statistics on the rate of teenage drinking and the factors that underlie it but rarely never stop to inquire from those 4% (OK that’s a bit of an exaggeration) of teenagers who don’t drink as to why they don’t.

Maybe that sort of news wouldn’t be sensationalist enough for a society which has become accustomed to hearing that this generation is a bunch of hard-drinking, drug abusing, short attention span possessing, no-hopers.

But nonetheless, McNair Ingenuity Research could have easily continued the survey for those people who answer “No” to the first question:

What factor/s caused you to not consume alcohol?
a) Moral prerogative
b) Didn’t like the taste
c) Didn’t have access to it
d) Religious reasons
e) Parents wouldn’t let me
f) Health reasons- allergies etc.
g) Legality- it’s a crime
h) Negative past experience
i) Friends don’t drink
j) And so on..

What is your view on teenage drinking?
a) It is an abhorrent social phenomenon!
b) It’s illegal, therefore it’s wrong
c) There’s no harm in teenagers drinking in moderation, it’s just not for me
d) It’s a choice teenagers are mature enough to make, so society should stop judging us.

Will you drink in the future?
a) Yes, next week
b) Yes!... just waiting till my 18th
c) Yes, but only in moderation
d) Probably, if I ever acquire a taste for it
e) Never, teetotaller for life!

That is by no means exhaustive, but I think the point’s been made. But they didn’t ask those questions, so I guess we’ll never know why the ENTIRE teenage population of Australia doesn’t drink (which is the impression one gets from the media)...

OK, time to neutralise the sting of all this outrage about one-sided depictions of adolescence with a completely unrelated recommendation: the blog ‘a certain romance’ is très awesome (hello free –and guilt-free- music downloads + illuminating ruminations on the relationship between life & music) and makes one wonder just what are they putting in the water in Austin, Texas - also hometown of Shearwater and Voxtrot (two very different but ingenious musical outfits <-- Shearwater is especially haunting and beautiful)...

Count L.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Top 200 School Rankings (Daily Telegraph)

I know I'm really slow, but just in case you wanted to know it it's here.

~Louis Tiffon

Sunday, January 4, 2009

extreme unction!

All I can say is that Bill Bailey (you may have seen him from Never Mind The Buzzcocks or Black Books, he is the half-balding man resembling some sort of forest rodent) is quite hilarious. Here are the lyrics from his "Love Song":

"I was alone, my heart was cold, it was a stone, my soul was lonely like a stone there was no moss! And when I danced, I danced alone but then I did not dance because I was alone. So I did not dance. I shuffled through life invisible to all the happy couples who would mock me with their merry laughter ha ha ha. The only sound I heard in my lonely silent world was the rusty hammer of my heart, nailing at the hatred in my soul!

But then you came. And my life was turned upside down. You showed me the beauty of the things that I had never seen like a, snowflake that melts on the eyelash of a startled deer. Or the painting of the dog that wears a deersoaker and smokes a pipe that made you laugh so hartily, but which I had previously thought was rubbish. Or the duck thats so clumsily on a frozen pond in winter but the intoxicating power of our love transforms this simple act into an anthropomorphic drama. Where Mr Duck's embarrased and the other ducks are laughing.

AND THEN YOU LEFT! I have died a thousand deaths and will die a thousand more! I thought you were an angel, you turned out to be a whore! Everything has turned to dust, everything is infected with a plague when you had to sleep with Craig. "Oooo he's so sensitive, he's got a tattoo" Yea, carving your name with a compass in my forehead was not enough for you!

The snowflake on the eye of the deer, has turned to puss that oozes from an open wound. The deer now blinded stumbles into a ravine. The duck lies shredded in a pancake. Soaking in the hoisin of your lies. The dog has moved from the pipe to 60 cigarrettes a day, And coughs away his life in the cold neon research lab, of your betrayal Of your betrayal! "

Go search it on youtube because I cannot be bothered to find it. Also another comedian - Omid Djalili - who puts his Iranian ethnicity to hilarious effects. Go look him up too.

Comment of the day: An over-zealous Twilight die-hard comments on a neutral review of the film: she writes something like "OMG twilight is like my FAVOURITE movie ever and I haven't even seen it!!!!!!!!!"

Oh, and today I was looking something up in the dictionary and stumbled across the entry for "anointing of the sick" and down the bottom it said: "previously called extreme unction". Take what you will from it.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

hand jigging

So I've always preferred Daft Punk's original Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger to Kanye's and I'm not sure if this justifies my preference but it sure does demonstrate the lengths that some people will go to to...well I'm not sure if there's really a term for this:

(if you actually have a life and aren't to keen on watching the minute and a half intro, skip to the middle where it gets...speedy)

So I'm sure there is one question that is on all of our minds - how long did this guy spend practising this?

And if you're asian and have a pen, you'll really appreciate this one:

Get practising, kids.

[no name]