Over zealous supporter
It may be 72 hours late, but a follow up on the 'Inauguration post' is needed!

Coffee cups in Washington D.C after the Inauguration
For those of you keen beans who watched it on Channel Nine, I'm sure you saw the 2 million PLUS crowd that gathered to see Obama. You probably also saw him stumble with his 35 word oath. "I, Barack Obama do sole- I, BARACK OBA- oops!" NO MATTER! He took it again! Better safe than sorry, eh? Motto of the White House!
Anyways, Louis Tiffon had her doubts (or, more like her father did). But only a few days after becoming POTUS Obama has given an executive order to close Guantanamo Bay (within 12 months!) and told the CIA to stop torture of terror suspects, yo, 'cause it sucks (in those words precisely).

Yea, Obama! Sign it!
With Bush, it was one step forward, two steps back. With Obama WHO KNOWS? One leap forward, no looking back! (Except in times of quiet contemplation and when in need of feedback)
~ Hurley Who?
left-handed! why are so many people l.h nowadays - shakes head in dismay (not sure why i'm dismayed)...anyway one question: how many term(s?) do you think he'll last?
as many as he wants!!
naw... apparently 10% of the population is left handed and those people are smarter than us righties... DAMN! did you see the gleam of his wedding ring? BLING!
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