Has anyone read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies? I guess you don't have to because they're making a movie about it with Natalie Portman (whoM I love)!!
Will it be good? Interesting? Thoughts?
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I saw that book @ Borders, and we were all like "Ugh...the bastardisation of Austen, how very distateful"...*collectively move away in disdain*. I love how English has made me a snob, speaking of which, it's (whom I love), sorry to be the grammar police.
Oh dear...I think this film will make Austen turn in her grave.
I refuse to read this book. Seriously! What the heck!
that book is blasphemy!
i read a review that said it was half good - the half that austen wrote. hahaha
btw penguin has another austen out - lady susan, the watsons and sanditon all in one. more austen!!! needless to say i bought it today and am up to sanditon :)
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