#1: It's Complicated
This is a good film to watch with your mothers if you ever need things to do on a mother-daughter (or son) outing. I watched this with Mummy dearest on her birthday, and we were both thoroughly entertained. I have to say at the outset that I may have been a bit biased due to my love for Alec Baldwin who is such a funny actor.

The film deals with some pressing moral issues. Is it ok to do something you consider immoral if you can benefit from it? Meryl Streep, who plays divorcee Jane, wonders whether having an affair with her ex-husband Jake (Alec Baldwin) might help her step outside of her comfort zone. In essence, she feels that she might develop as a person by doing something outrageous. Of course, things are not so simple as there are added complications. Jake is married to a younger woman whose fierce tiger tattoo is an embodiment of her own personality. Adam, Jane’s architect (played by Steve Martin), is also courting her. Jane’s three children are still emotionally scarred from their parents’ divorce 10 years ago. To learn that their parents are back together would push them over the edge. Harley (John Krasinski), Jane and Jake’s son-in-law-to-be, knows about the affair.

Harley being funny
The film works well as a whole. The scenes are infused with sufficient amounts of humour/funny dialogue/”ponder-this” moments that I wasn’t looking at my watch for the time (which I often do in the cinema). Given the subject matter of the film, most of the humour is slightly crude if not downright cringe-worthy. Still, the actors seem to pull it off with (most) of their dignity in tact. The conclusion is surprisingly neat though somewhat didactic. Director and writer Nancy Meyers takes a clear position on Jane and Jake’s affair, and about infidelity in general. Some serious issues underlie the surface frivolity of the film – especially in regards to the effect of marriage/divorce/infidelity on children and the responsibilities of a good parent.

#2: Sherlock Holmes
DISCLAIMER: this is a rant about Guy Ritchie's directing skills (yes, he is the man who divorced Madonna) and the whole movie in general. I think I was being overly harsh when I wrote this but I needed to get a few things off my chest.
The trailer for this movie (which they played incessantly on TV for a period of time) didn’t look too bad, so I was looking forward to watching this film. BIG MISTAKE, HURLEY! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?

Not-so-evil villain Lord Blackwood
The only (minor) salvation was Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law (who plays sidekick Dr. Watson) cause… they were cute. Ok, not ‘cute’, but not so bad to look at. This made the duration of the film (128 mins) slightly more bearable. Rachael McAdams was simply average. She wasn’t sly enough to pull off her character (the criminal ‘mastermind’ Irene Adler) well and a sub-plot which had her double-cross Holmes and Watson simply added to the insignificant fluff of the movie. Mark Strong, who plays the evil villain Lord Blackwood, was also unconvincing. I suppose his crooked teeth were supposed to be menacing and scary, but they were almost comical to me. There was also a whole host of other characters, most notably a giant Frenchman. Where casting agents find such actors is a mystery.

Not even the regularly-timed gags in the film could save it from disasterville. Individually, the scenes were well-made. The visuals of the film captured the dreariness of London well. It was mostly grey and black, except for the huge pink puff of material on Rachael McAdam’s butt. Seriously, her dress was crazy. Anyways, as I was saying (typing?) the individual scenes were good. But put together, they didn’t make a coherent whole. There was no smoothness in the transition of one scene to another. There was no discernable direction which the film was leading towards. The so-called ‘resolution’ at the end was nothing short of a far-fetched and patchy conclusion to a largely disappointing film. I literally sat there during the credits and said (loudly) “That film was CRAP!”. I do not say such things often.
For that reason, this film gets a 4 out of 10 from me. Ok, maybe a 5. Just for Robert Downey Jr.
~ Hurley Who?

Not even the regularly-timed gags in the film could save it from disasterville. Individually, the scenes were well-made. The visuals of the film captured the dreariness of London well. It was mostly grey and black, except for the huge pink puff of material on Rachael McAdam’s butt. Seriously, her dress was crazy. Anyways, as I was saying (typing?) the individual scenes were good. But put together, they didn’t make a coherent whole. There was no smoothness in the transition of one scene to another. There was no discernable direction which the film was leading towards. The so-called ‘resolution’ at the end was nothing short of a far-fetched and patchy conclusion to a largely disappointing film. I literally sat there during the credits and said (loudly) “That film was CRAP!”. I do not say such things often.
For that reason, this film gets a 4 out of 10 from me. Ok, maybe a 5. Just for Robert Downey Jr.
~ Hurley Who?
PS. Disco - I'd like to hear what you thought of this film.
i like both movie and enjoy both movies very much...I am fond of movies...And i watched all movie from the internet...You can also watch It's complicated and watch Sherlock Holmes movie from this website...
o rly?? :O As for your average run-of-the-mill crawling in filth moviegoer I thought it more than mildly entertaining and a satisfactory way to spend a few hours sitting down.
disco!! you belong with the other PEASANTS!!
nah, in hindsight, i was harsh on sherlock, i mean, he tries doesn't he???
oh come on. sherlock was bad but not that bad. i'll admit i was disappointed. expected more sexy hunky-ness like in the trailer. robert downey jr & jude law are worth more than an extra star.
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