Basically it's a vegan chocolate mousse. So there's no cream or eggs or *shock! horror!* chocolate. Well sort of... there's cocoa powder. The cream and eggs are replaced with avocado. It's also really really easy to make. Much easier than a normal mousse.
Here are the ingredients: (I know, I couldn't resist)
- 1 cup cocoa powder
- 1 cup syrup (eg. maple syrup - I just used normal syrup)
- 1 tsp vanilla
And then you chuck it all in a food processor... yum!
And voila!
As I said, it's super duper easy, involves no cooking whatsoever, and took me maybe 20ish minutes, and only because I was taking photos at the same time (much to my mother's chagrin).
So how did it taste? Ahem, let me put on my Matt Preston cravat for a moment. It has a very creamy texture but is very, and I mean very, dense. It's very rich, very chocolate-y but not in the way you expect it to be. The cocoa powder is raw so it leaves an almost dry sensation in your mouth despite the creaminess of the avocado and being raw, the chocolate taste is very different to the not-so-vegan chocolate we're used to. One of the good things about it is that it's not very sweet, and you can adjust the syrup to your liking. I started with a little less than a cup, but I reckon I ended up putting it all in. However you can't eat too much at once, and coming from me that's a big thing to say. Because it's so dense, not light like normal mousse, it's very filling and the chocolate is very strong.
All up? I like it. It's a little weird, but it's entertaining. And it's healthy! Okay, okay, Her-cules, there's lots of fat in avocado and a whole cup of syrup! But I think relatively, it is pretty healthy. My brother didn't like it though - the raw cocoa taste was too dry for him and it didn't taste like chocolate, which it doesn't. I also took it to uni for some mass taste-testing, and pretty much everyone liked it - M*A*S*H, Jester and Lizzie all really liked it! So if you're thinking of taking a spin on the vego-side, it's nice to know you won't miss out on chocolate mousse! Woopee!
As for the next Masterchef, experiment... I just finished the Blackforest Cake at 11pm last night for my mother's birthday. Literally the most difficult cake I have ever attempted. But just for the blog, watch out for 5 minute chocolate cake in a mug!
a thoroughly enjoyable read, you keep that cravat on! i love how you try and make it healthy :)
ps if you go on the facebook group for 5 minute chocolate mug cake there are some absolutely hilarious pictures of what may/may not be turd on a plate. delightful!
Avocado and cocoa powder? I'm just imagining this and shuddering... Lol. I prefer my avocado with grilled cheese. XD
But then again, what do you get from being tame? Take a walk on the wild side! I'll give it a go and get back to you on it. I agree with disco, very interesting and enjoyable read, thanks! :D
i must admit i had misgivings when you first put the words chocolate mousse and advocado in a sentence together, let alone in a bowl, but the good-enough-to-eat pictures and matt preston-esque appraisal have put paid to that!
A delectable post, Cake!
love love love your presence on 8th st cakey!!!
and that mousse looks... different.
ps. why has the colour of the mousse changed in the last two photos?
HI GUYS! I thought your favourite commenter should likewise hit up the new and improved 8th street, where I will again provide profound and thoughtful insight into the myriad topics discussed here.
I love that you tried out that weird mousse cakey! I think you should also make things like haggis and fried fish eyes and stuff just to get freaky.
Lighting, hurley. My food photography is not so flash-hot yet. I'll work on it :) It's more like the darker one.
Fried fish eyes... yum...?
5 min chocolate cake sounds delightful...
though quite interesting...
& potentially disastrous, haha.
This is not helping my plans for anorexia.
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