First of all, a very happy birthday to louis tiffon!
I don't want to start a precedent of birthday posts (apart from this one) but I was going to post anyways and there happened to be a cake in the post, so louis enjoy the cake (if you don't find the vibrant colours too off-putting!)

Image from: lovelorn unicorn
Secondly, and completely unrelatedly (well sort of; the cake was also a celebration of eightstreet's revival i guess), I had meant to post the below sign during the barren times where posts were few and far between, but typically, didn't get round to it, but thought I'd post it anyways in the hope that I'll never need to trot it out again.
originally seen in the mX (my reaction: hahahahaha...... NO!)
Hope you are all having a productive stu-vac!
thanks a million!
hoping everyone's enjoying a day that's easy on the eyes xx
ha Count i bet your stuvac has been much more productive than mine.
and that cake. is. awesome!!!!!
cake crusader's next mission
you had me at 'precedent' :(((
but loving the cake-age, and the signage too baha, bet those midwesties are throwing themselves at those signs
I WANT THAT CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!
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