Yesterday both my prodigious buddies were scolded in Maths by the teacher for exclaiming "That's bloody annoying!".
Now as swear words go, one must admit that 'bloody' isn't that blasphemous, in fact, it's used by Ron Weasley in in just about every HP film ("that's bloody brilliant!"), not to mention our national tourism ad campaign which totally bombed and got banned in Britain. Impressive.
But it got prodigious math buddies and I thinking- what are the cuss words for the modern educational environment, since 'bloody' (a term which can also refer to being covered in copious amounts of red rusty-tasting fluid) doesn't cut it anymore?
We turned to eightstlaundry's favourite blasphemiser (not actually a word, but let's pretend for a while) Captain Haddock, the potty-mouthed mariner from the TinTin comics for inspiration.
Here are some classics:
"Billions of bilious blue blistering barnacles!" (try saying that fast 10 times!)
"Freshwater swabs!"
"Logarithm!" Use it in maths. Love it!
"Macrocephalic baboon!"
"Guano gatherer!"
"Guano gatherer!"
"Ectoplasmic Byproduct!" For Biology students only
For a longer list of Haddock curses see here.
Feel free to comment us with any kooky words/phrases that you use as cuss-word substitutes and I'll add them to the list :)
-- C.L --
Disclaimer: Our blog does not advocating swearing in the least, but if you must vocalise your frustration, try these instead of the usual assortment of not-so-pleasant rude words.
I'm wondering what my maths teacher will do next time I substitute "Too bloody bad" (it was not "That's bloody annoying")with "Shut it, you endoplasmic byproduct of a slubberdegullion". Probably take my head off.
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