Hello there. You have reached the home page of Disco Read and Count Lucifer. Unfortunately we are currently not available, chances are that we are off on a sunny Caribbean palm island, soaking those lovely skin-destroying UV rays and plotting our imminent Thai curry takeaway mmmmm cue virtual gastronomical delights...I mean our imminent impending takeOVER of the universe. You better watch out Obama/McCain/KRudd(?) - we are COMING.
In the meantime, we shall let our minions off their fluoro coiled leashes for ten minute intervals to run loose in cyberspace and potentially run riot - trampling over all that is holy and sanitary and in good taste. They might be introduced to you over the coming weeks, but we wouldn't count on it. Disco Read and Count Lucifer are known to be highly unreliable.
Still, we will observing this social experiment with a keen but detached interest. We expect worthwhile fruits of our labour. You have been warned.
In the meantime, we shall let our minions off their fluoro coiled leashes for ten minute intervals to run loose in cyberspace and potentially run riot - trampling over all that is holy and sanitary and in good taste. They might be introduced to you over the coming weeks, but we wouldn't count on it. Disco Read and Count Lucifer are known to be highly unreliable.
Still, we will observing this social experiment with a keen but detached interest. We expect worthwhile fruits of our labour. You have been warned.

This will happen to you if you do not comply with our wishes. Whatever those wishes may be.
virgin comment for virgin post.
but yes. what i say is true.
according to school certificate computing paper, all caps is bad internet manners because it's considered shouting.
yes i should know. i got 99 in that test.
i will remain unnamed. (a few of you know who i am but i thought, 'you know what? i'm so nerdy it doesn't matter')
excuse me if I feel like disrespecting netiquette.
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