Case in point:
C.L sits down on a Monday night for a nice productive session of Conflict essay-writing.
All is going well but then C.L makes a fatal error: she writes an incomplete sentence. C.L glares at the computer screen because she can't see anything wrong with the sentence and thinks Word is just stupidly insisting it is wrong in that annoying Word way (ie. underlining in it in green squiggliness and suggesting to 'revise fragment'). Uh, not helpful!
Anyways, being in an irrational 'I am going to fix up this one unimportant sentence' mood C.L right clicks on 'About this sentence' to get an explanation for its incorrectness so she can fix it. Here's what appears:

35 mins later: C.L has got no further on her essay, but instead has 3 versions of the poem "Meteors all Night" and accompanying music. Yay for random strikes of inspiration.
Meteors all night- v.1
watch for
Meteors all night
Because the teacher said to.
And we will laugh clearly under the stars;
Those distant observers,
Blasts from the past
All over now.
Meteors all night- v.2
watch for
Meteors all night
Because the teacher said to.
And we will laugh clearly under the stars;
Those distant observers,
Blasts from the past
Dying in slow-motion
Just like us.
Meteors all night- v.3
Meteors all night- v.3
watch for
Meteors all night
Because the teacher said to.
And we will laugh clearly under the Stars;
Celestial monuments to our Glory.
Let us grow young
Music-matchability: Champagne Supernova (Oasis)
Note: Yeah the three versions are pretty similar, but Disco Read made a good point when she commented on their complete dissimilarities due to the different endings: Version 1 is about the fleetingness of Youth, Version 2 is more despairing in its outlook and Version 3 is well... hopeful?
Yes I totally intended that meaning :D
haha "because the teacher said to"
oh wait. i just revealed your secret identity.
delete my comment if you want?
i'd be surprised if anyone didn't know c.l was the vell bells.
high five for spontaneous poetic inspiration from Microsoft's grammar and spell check system! it should happen more often!
ahh sorry giovanni- had to delete your comment. but for anyone who's interested it was:
"u are writing poems?
oh dear --------. how will you achieve dux of our year yet again if you are writing poems?
altho they might be helpful for creative writing or something.
more importantly: why am I on here?
[emphasis on "I"]"
so yesness, feel free to go about business as normal, apart from naming names =) (will explain why anonymity is of the essence some other time)
That's so awesome! Its almost like it tracks the thoughts of people through history - modern, post-modern, etc... I'd love to shove them all into one big poem - the repetiton is great! Fantastic atmosphere.
thanks wolfmother and flowerpot for your positive feedback!
hopefully exams won't crush our creative souls - writing poetry is quite liberating (lol, Burning Sappho) I've decided!
lol, I know. I was writing some today to cool down after some study. Its very thearapeutic (sp?).
Yes, explain to me one day.
Haha. I'm so silly :)
I have two names tho: will that confuse people?
you make my day, love
i'm listening to james blunt - he's pretty poetic too
cake crusader,
james blunt is a feminine, womanising british tosser.
poetic he is not.
goodbye my friend.
Loving it Lovelette!
Oh such fun... love this blog
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